Check out our interview with James Hicks aka The Bearded Barber and help us congratulate him on his new barbershop!


Name: James Hicks

Location: Dayton, Ohio

Who: Owner of Hicks Barbershop



Mr. Pomade: What inspired you to become a barber?

James Hicks: Cutting hair in the Marine Corps and my old barber, Gene Blevins R.I.P.


Mr. P: How long have you been a barber?

James: Just over a year.


Mr.P: What do you enjoy most about the barber culture?

James: The many different styles and people. The willingness to share techniques.


Mr. P: Why do you think gentleman continue to come to traditional barbershops?

James: They want clean classic hairstyles. It's a place where men can be men.


Mr. P: What do you think sets you apart from other barbers?

James: My beard!


Mr. P: What do you think gentlemen enjoy most about the atmosphere at a barbershop?

James: The comradery amongst men and knowing you will walk out feeling good and looking good.


Mr. P: What qualities do you look for in other barbers that might be cutting your hair?

James: Simplicity. Being able to do a classic taper. 


Mr. P: What do you make of the recent popularity of barbering and looking clean as a sort of revival?

James: Men get weary of the Super Great Cuts and how they are treated like a number. Get in, get out.


Mr. P: What is your message to other barbers?

James: Keep it traditional and stay humble. Remember what it's about, the client. Barbering is not a hustle.


Mr. P: Where do you see the barber industry in 10, 20, 30 years?

James: Growing!!!!




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