Cock Grease XXXtra Hard Type Review


I wasn’t a big fan of Cock Grease due to having tried their Cock Grease X Extra Stiff pomade and being upset with its performance. After trying the Cock Grease XXXtra Water Type pomade, I was very surprised at what it was able to do for my hair.

Cock Grease XXXTRA Hard


The pomade comes in a entirely plastic 4 oz container. It’s all black with the conventional labels of the regular Cock Grease look. I’m not too fond of this design, but it’s passable and nothing noteworthy


Citrus. I get a nice tingle in the nose and I'm reminded of blue lemonade


It's thick. Almost like candle wax. Nothing like Anchors or Suavecito water-based pomades, and its nothing like an oil-based obviously, but it's got this almost solid feel to it in addition to the be very sticky.

Cock Grease XXXTRA Hard - Open Can


Nowhere close to the slick of an oil-based pomade. But Cock Grease XXX water-type does leave very little stray hairs. I did notice that without recombing, my hair did start shifting due to the " lightness " of the hold.


Matte shine, an almost natural shine.


It's a strong hold. I was surprised that it was able to maintain my hair for hours without recombing.


For the 5 hours I've used it before needing to hit the gym, it held up fairly well. The strays did start popping up as time passed, but with more product, this can easily be fixed.


Because it's a water based pomade, it's a bit risky to restyle because the pomade has dried up a bit. You do see that the initial qualities of the water-type is not nearly 100%- more product would be needed to recreate the desired style.

Quality of Buildup

It's water based.


It took one shower to wash everything out. My hair did feel dry though- everything seemed to wash out with it.


I'm surprised.My initial reaction when scooping this product out of the jar was that it'd harden like crazy. I thought it'd be a gel, but after using it twice, it's proven me wrong both times. With a matte finish and a hold that doesn't disappoint, Cock Grease XXXtra Water Type Pomade has been able to dissipate my disbelief in Cock Grease Products( for now)

Harrison - hair styled with Cock Grease XXXTRA Hard - Side View

Harrison - hair styled with Cock Grease XXXTRA Hard - Front View

Harrison - hair styled with Cock Grease XXXTRA Hard - Side View



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