We all know Suavecito Pomade as the pomade giant. Whether you use it or not, you know about Suavecito if your hair game is strong. They have been coming out with these seasonal types and new combs and well, everything grooming. Here we have a new take on an old favorite with the clear and unscented.
Why unscented and clear? Well, not everyone has darker colored hair, and believe it or not, not everyone is fond of the scent. Hard to comprehend, yet think about it. What would a brown water base pomade do to white hair? The hair ends up with a bit of tint to it, that probably isn’t the desired effect. As far as the scent goes, I have no idea, the scent is the best thing about Suavecito.
These two pomades are the exact same formula as their two famously know pomades. The twist is the “what you see is what you get” clear and the product will be without scent. Sometimes you want to bring out the scent of your own cologne as the top note to your day. This pomade will let that happen all while still giving you the appearance that you dig.