Hey folks! I have another review from the Pomps Not Dead line;Close Quarters Combing (AKA CQC). The name of this pomade is a clever tongue in cheek to the term, “Close Quarters Combat”. Combined with the amazing design of the tin, it should come as no surprise that this pomade has a “gun theme” to it. And boy do I dig it. Thanks to @hedgelion for fast and FREE shipping! 1.This 4oz gold tin is one of the manliest on the market, and just looks badass. The lid is designed as a shotgun shell head with the words, “Firm Gauge” to signify the hold. (Gauge, get it?) The side of the tin has a wrap around sticker with the ingredients listed, and again the name of the pomade. I absolutely love how PND ties in themes to their pomade. It really sets them apart from some of the more traditional pomades, and leaves a lasting impression on the user. I digress. 2.On to the scent. This stuff is described as having a Hoppes 9 Gun cleaner scent. Being a gun guy myself, I have smelled the actual cleaner first hand. I can smell the similarities, but don’t let this scare you away! The scent is not nearly as potent as the cleaner, and actually has a musky, sweet note to it.This is one of those hard to describe scents, but rest assured it's a great scent with a medium strength to it. Unique for sure, I am all about it! 3.Scooping this goop requires slight pressure at first, but is easy to work with thereafter. The hold is a medium heavy (firm gauge), and I applied one and a half scoops. My hair held strong all day with no fly aways. This stuff is a notch above PND Daily Grind in terms of hold from my experience. 4.The shine is moderate to low, as most medium heavies are. It provided me with an awesome texture, and just looks clean! My part was nice and sharp, and I got decent height for my little contour. The buildup was great after two days, providing an adequate waxy base to work with. Conclusion: Close Quarters Combing is another amazing product from the PND line. The overall theme is original and badass, as is the scent! The hold provides a firm grip, while the application is easy. Be sure to visit hedgelion.com! #hedgelion #pomade #hair #pomadereview #EverythingPomade
