: Reuzel Pink Grease Heavy
Strong hold, Oil based
$15 for 4oz.
Finally, an OB pomade that can hold my hair and isn't Murray's. This is the holy grail of OB pomades for me. The tin advises to apply to towel dried hair, and they are not kidding. If you apply to dry hair, expect tugging and some hair breakage. It doesn't feel like a traditional grease and doesn't leave my hair feeling super oily or greasy. I've always liked the Reuzel tins, and pink is one of my favourite colours too. The smell is very bubblegum like, despite the site stating it smells like apples and salsa. I don't hate or love the scent. My pomp got pretty tall with this stuff and didn't move either, which is always a plus.
In conclusion, if this pomade were a person, I'd make out with it. Hardcore. Reuzel Pink wins so much.
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