Hello, guys and gals. Time to get started in writing the review for @rustinpomade light hold. I am a bit ahead of schedule so if I can get all this together it should be up tomorrow if not Friday morning. Thanks for baring with me lately, guys. Bringing out these reviews for you guys is fun but with personal things coming up they are getting tough to handle but no worries I'm here to stay.
So, what pomade are are you guys using today?
#thepomaderev #pomade #pomadereview #pomadereviewersunite #pomades #pomp #pomadeawareness #addictedtopomade #staygreasy #classic #hairpomade #product #grease #greaser #gentlemen #gentleman #pompadour #dapper #hair #hairstyle #slickback #sidepart #executivecontour #waterbased #oilbased #reviews #review #product #rustinpomade
